Hi, I'mFarhana Mustafa

Software Engineer


Software Engineer by day.
Tech Blogger by night.


Bachelor's in Computer Science | Syracuse University

Public Speaking

CodeNewbie Podcast: Season 16: Episode 6 - June 14, 2021

What failing technical interviews can teach you


Women of Marvel iOS Application

Displays the Women of Marvel Comic book in a iOS application made with UIKit. This also includes unit tests and a UI test that uses the Builder Pattern.

GitHub Repo

Studio Ghibli Movies iOS Application

iOS application that displays Studio Ghibli movies using the Studio Ghibli API.

GitHub Repo

Book Recommender

Using the NYTimes Book API, this web application recommends a Best seller book to the user based on a chosen genre.

Live Version GitHub Repo

Sticky Notes

Sticky Note Board Application made with React.JS and Bacon Ipsum API

Live Version GitHub Repo


Painless Objective-C and Swift Interoperability

Learn the best practices of exposing Swift code to Objective-C

Medium Post

Understanding PubSub with Combine in iOS

I explain to readers what is the pub/sub pattern with YouTube as an example, then I dive into explaining the intricacies of Combine with a sample app that uses the NYTime Books API

Medium Post

Make your iOS app accessible

Learn how to test your UIKit app with all users in mind

Medium Post

Detecting Memory Leaks in iOS

Learn about memory leaks and how to catch them with Instruments and the memory graph

Medium Post

Implement SwiftUI within UIKit

Use UIHostingController to easily add a SwiftUI view within your existing UIKit code

Medium Post

Using the MVVM Architectural Design Pattern in iOS

Learn about the advantages of MVVM and see a real life example in use

Medium Post

Mistakes I've seen as a Technical Interviewer

I've interviewed new grads looking for their first software engineering role. Here are the mistakes I've seen during technical interviews.

Medium Post

What I learned from failing my technical interviews

I get real vulnerable here about my experiences with interviewing and I hope you get to learn a thing or two from me.

Dev.To Link

How to Build a Book Recommender with React.js

Build a web app with React.js to pick a random NYTimes Best Seller book for your next read.

Dev.To Link
Image from Undraw.co of a girl sitting with a laptop